The Advanced Trauma Modules can be used with any rescue and trauma Manikin, represents wounds that result from explosions and chemical disasters. These simulated trauma wounds will assist in training for paramedics and military or anyone providing treatment to victims injured in disasters and war.
Skills Gained
To facilitates quick identification, diagnosis, and dressing of wounds by trainees.
· Realism of appearance and performance necessary to provide realistic practice for trainees
· Various Non-bleeding / bleeding wounds strap on to increase the reality of Trauma simulation.
Trauma Modules:
1. Hemorrhage control thigh module
2. Hemorrhage control arm module
3. Trauma head
4. Trauma and intubation head
5. Trauma foot
6. Bowel evisceration module
7. Lower limb with varicosity
8. Abdominal muscle pad (big, with wound)
9. Abdominal muscle pad (small, with wound)
10. Thigh muscle pad (with knife injury)
11. Thigh muscle pad (with boil injury)
12. Thigh muscle pad (suture injury)
13. Abnormal cover with knife injury
14. Abnormal cover with suture injury
15. Bedsore care module
16. Incision module of postmastectomy and thoracotomy
17. Metal foreign body puncture module for right thigh
18. Open fracture module for left femur
19. Normal skin module after BCG vaccination
20. Abnormal skin module after BCG vaccination
21. Forearm burn
22. Safety belt injury and open fracture of clavicle
23. Chest trauma with open pneumothorax and burn
24. Facial burn, forehead laceration and mandible fracture
25. Right hand with laceration
26. Abnormal cover with suture injury for intestinal exposure
27. Abnormal cover with stomas
28. Abdominal wall with auscultation function
29. Below-knee amputation module
30. Diabetic foot
31. Humerus open fracture
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